
Recent News on the World Race!


The Lord who provides. (The Lord my provider.)

The past 8 months I have seen God as Jehovah-Jireh in my life specifically in the area of financial provision and while I want to touch on that again briefly (because I truly think I ought to testify about what He has done during this process of fundraising for The World Race) I also want to share with you how the Lord has provided in abundantly more ways than financial provision in my life.

So let’s jump in! If you have been following my blog, you have already seen the Lord provide in so many ways! If you’re late to the party (no shame) just go check out my blogs “Clearly Answered” and “He is Faithful” to read about so many miracles of financial provision! For today, I’m gonna share with you 2 quick stories of Gods provision financially this past month.

First of all, God has provided over 20K for my journey on The World Race! Praise Him! It’s truly such a blessing. Sometimes people ask me “how did you do it” and I just look at them with this “huh? Whatcha mean?” look on my face because I didn’t do it, God did!

For the past 8 months I have stressed about what to do with my eyes on the world race. I’m almost legally blind, so wearing my glasses honestly frustrates me because I don’t see well in them. Taking a years supply of contact solution would add like 8 pounds to my pack and take up so much space with the potential of it exploding in an aircraft… so this whole situation has been a burden on me for MONTHS. A while back my eye doctor told me they didn’t make daily contacts for my prescription so that wasn’t even an option, but recently I just felt I should research on my own. After a while of Googling I came across ONE BRAND that offered my prescription EXACTLY. I told my eye doctor about it and to my surprise they actually had a five day trial pack in stock that I could pick up that day!! I wore them for five days, and loved them. Then I found out how much they would cost. About $760. Oh my goodness. $760!? I don’t have $760??? So I prayed on a Wednesday night. I just asked God to provide a way for me to get them, and that if He wants me to wear them the year I’m gone then He will make a way for me to afford them. Thursday night I received an envelope from a couple at church with $500 in it. I cried. When I traded my unused contacts I had with me in for these new dailies the total cost came down to about $460. Y’ALL. The Lord provided me sight for an entire year through this couple!!! This may seem silly and small to you but it was one of the happiest moments of my life knowing I would be able to see and not have to worry about all the risks of taking the current contacts I wear. Praise God!!

I always tell you “let me share a brief story” and it go on longer than I hoped to tell but I seriously can’t help sharing the fullness of Gods provisions. Two sentences would not have covered the beauty of His provision in that story. He is just SO GOOD.

Okay, 2nd story. $4,000!!! Wait what? Trying to get to the point quick here. Y’all. Recently I was completely overwhelmed by money. I had no idea how I was going to pay for legit thousands of dollars in vaccines, my phone, health insurance.. like it honestly was going to be completely impossible. But God. I posted on Facebook just sharing my circumstances with friends and family and asking them to just partner with me in prayer first, and if they felt led to give to support me in this difficult time financially. In less than 24 hours God had provided over $4,000!! $4,000! I just got my final vaccinations two days ago and they are all paid off! Praise God!!!

Jehovah-Jireh. He is the Lord my provider.

So before I wrap this up, I want you to hear how God has provided for me in the past 2ish years in more than financial ways.

  • God has provided me with:
    • encounters with Him that allow me to be embraced by Him
    • an amazing church community (not just on Sundays!)
    • a small group/friends who challenge me and keep me accountable, I LOVE MY PEOPLE
    • freedom from anxiety
    • freedom from depression
    • freedom from self harm
    • freedom from suicidal thoughts, hope in the midst of giving up
    • motivation to finish getting my bachelors degree when I was so tired of school
    • parents who love me and are willing to support me even when the call of God on my life seems scary and hard to understand
    • spiritual discipline to do my best to stay in the Word and spend time in communication with God (I went through 150 days in Psalms without missing one!! PTL!)
    • a job that allowed me to serve people in some of their hardest moments
    • comfort during seasons of painful sorrow and grief
    • opportunities to travel on mission trips again and again growing my desire for long term overseas missions
    • ministry opportunities that have allowed me to grow in how I read the Word, how I see the Word, and how I speak the Word
    • the confidence to claim His truths over my life personally
    • pastors and leaders who have led me not only by teaching scripture but by truly living out the Bible, this has given me so much confidence in taking so many next steps in my walk with the Lord
    • forgiveness when I am quick to say things I wish I had not said
    • joy in both high and low moments
    • answered prayers over and over.. but not always the  answer I expected
    • visions and dreams revealed
    • encouragement when I need it most
  • Most importantly, His son Jesus. Providing me freedom from sin, death and the grave, and everlasting life with my Father in Heaven! Hallelujah!

So I’m gonna leave you with these statements.

  1. God will provide for you in more than financial ways.
  2. Expect Gods provision. Pray boldly. Ask specifically. But be content in every circumstance, even when His provision is different than you expected.
  3. Speak with the power and authority that God gives you and claim His provision.
  4. Be on guard. Listen and watch for how the Lord is providing.
  5. Trust God and give Him praise and thanksgiving for His provision.
  6. Remember Gods ultimate provision, the death of His son Jesus on the cross.
  7. Testify that God is Jehovah-Jireh. He is The Lord my Provider.

If you made it this far, thanks for hearing the way God has been providing in my life! Miracles on miracles, a million little miracles. He is faithful. I cannot wait for all He is going to reveal to me this next year on The World Race! I am a week away!

If you’re interested in watching, below is a link to a clip from Celebration Church Young Adults from last night. I was privileged to speak on the name of God, Jehovah-Jireh! AND it’s even different from this blog… God is just so good! You can find the entire video from the service below that mentions some of the other names of God that others spoke on boldly and beautifully as well!

Thanks for joining me on this journey!!