
Recent News on the World Race!

Today is DAY 100! 100 days of being on The World Race! So in honor of that I’m going to drop 100 random facts, quotes, or photos! No further explanations or captions, just 100 days of World Race adventures! (all facts, quotes, and photos are in randomized order)

  1. Conspiracy of training camp Covid/strep outbreak.
  2. Host dad plunged our toilet.
  3. “We lost 5 bags and 2 people.”
  4. Craving pickles.
  5. I think I like bananas.
  6. This is my eye sack.
  7. Pooped on by a bird at a house visit
  8. “Please leave the heaters on 3.”
  9. Poncho almost died in a dog attack
  10. Hands that glow yellow.
  11. Downstairs got bed bugs.
  12. “I have Monte in my nose.”
  13. Lungs that sound like a broken dog toy.
  14. Is the porch a good enough refrigerator?
  15. Don’t forget to de-slime before going through the gate.
  16. Ski mask and spear guy got on chicken bus to search for outsiders
  17. Wawa W Squad.
  18. Grumpy gramps.
  19. “Do we know him??”
  20. R & R eating icecream.
  21. Windows open for fresh air and mosquito bites?
  22. Two cucumbers slices, a tortilla, and some honey. Yum.
  23. “I wanted you to pray with me because I was scared out of my pants.”
  24. Uber driver told us a kid was kidnapped, turned out the village was just robbed.
  25. Ski mask and spear guy got on chicken bus to search for outsiders
  26. “I’m massaging my crunchy elbows.”
  27. “Is someone in the bathroom?”
  28. “Thank you, Lord!”
  29. “Fleas or no fleas it’s an honor to have you.”
  30. Dog on a chicken bus, cat on a train.
  31. Going to The River.
  32. Whether you call it robbed or luted, it still happened.
  33. Uber driver teaching us Romanian cuss words after we said “no thanks”
  34. House of Prayer!
  35. Finances. I think I’m broke.
  36. Pushed a car for half a mile
  37. Breakfast beans.
  38. Probs had Covid.
  39. Thought there were bed bugs
  40. Another round with no shower curtain.
  41. Chocolate chip cookies!
  42. Monte.
  43. My heart for Central America is so big.
  44. Still don’t like coffee.
  45. Chikis, taqueritos, and zambos
  46. Acetenango. The hike to hell.
  47. Speaking in Spanish to Americans at the Houston airport.
  48. Entrance to our village blocked by people in ski masks with pitch forks at night
  49. “My parasite looked like spaghetti noodles.”
  50. Teammate assaulted in Starbucks.

That’s a wrap! All 100 facts and photos! Accepting all comments and questions for the next 48 hours only. Just kidding. Haha! But Happy 100 Days of The World Race!

One response to “100 Days on The World Race!”

  1. Wow there’s a story with every single item. I love you. Keep the faith. Enjoy every moment! It will be exciting to hear about these stories when you make it back in a few months. Jesus is so very good to us. 🩷